Recordist: Martyn Stewart
Runtime: 35 mins
Media for personal use only. Contact me for commercial license.
Recordist: Martyn Stewart
Runtime: 35 mins
Media for personal use only. Contact me for commercial license.
I have been to Africa many times and one of my very favorite places is Botswana.
The long roads that link up neighboring countries can play havoc in my job, You can hear a truck coming for miles and it fills the soundscape competing with low frequencies like doves or hippos.
What I love about Africa is the night insect choruses. Insects sing all night long. In Botswana, I noticed the changing of the guard so to say..
This recording went on through the night, I took out the man made sounds and did some destructive editing but i included the subtle change from the evening insect chorus to the early hour insect chorus. The birds are not evident yet apart from a few dove calls but listen to the distinctive sound of each insect as they fill their niches with their delicate sounds.